Thursday, January 15, 2009

Today’s really bad ideas from Hollywood

I don't know how I feel about this prequel. I'm a Nautilus geek, informed at first by Disney's conceptualization of the sub, then by a deeper appreciation of Verne's vision. I even liked the version of Nemo and his sub as presented in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. And I kind of like McG's work (even if his moniker is stupid). The Angels films were fun summer fluff, Supernatural isn't bad, and I'm really enjoying Chuck. Plus, he's getting his sci-fi cred in helming Terminator 4.

I am worried about his desire to get Will Smith to play Nemo, though. Smith had his chance in the steampunk genre with Wild Wild West, and we know how that turned out. (On the other hand, Smith turned down the lead in The Matrix to do WWW, so maybe it's all for the good.) Even ignoring the fact that Nemo is Indian and not black, Smith only has two modes: wacky comedic action and Oscar-whoring. Neither would really be appropriate for the Nemo character.

Then there's this:,2933,480029,00.html

Really? A remake of Footloose? Really? It kills me that with all of the original ideas flooding into Hollywood every day, studios would rather churn out the reheated leftovers of meals that weren't particularly good to begin with.

I know this movie isn't aimed at me - who saw the original in the theatre, thank-you-very-much - and that I have the option of ignoring it (which option I fully intend on exercising), but it annoys me that the money going into this project might be taking money from the next Dark City or Memento.

Maybe the studio system should just retire to the nearest Scientology retreat and let the indies have a crack at it for a while. Or, we could follow Ripley's lead:

"I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure."

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