Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition

Ark. House OKs bill allowing guns in churches

“LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) -- The Arkansas House on Wednesday approved a bill allowing concealed handguns in churches, despite hearing arguments that lawmakers should put their faith in God, not guns…”

Faith is fine, but you’re supposed to show some initiative in directing your own life. That includes protecting it.

“The bill's sponsor, Rep. Beverly Pyle, R-Cedarville, said she introduced the measure after a series of church shootings across the country…”

The reason there are shooting sprees at churches, malls, and schools is that those places don’t allow anyone to carry a weapon. The shooter knows they’ll be unopposed. You never hear about a spree at a gun show or police station.

“The measure drew opposition from a pair of pastors who are also legislators.

Rep. Steven Breedlove, D-Greenwood, a minister at the Valley View Church of Christ, said allowing concealed handguns won't stop someone from opening fire inside a church…”

But it will allow you to stop them once they’ve started, which is the crux of the matter. (Ha! Crux = cross. It’s a church story. Get it? I crack myself up.)

“Another pastor, Rep. Otis Davis, said he couldn't, in good conscience, return to his constituents in eastern Arkansas and say that he voted in favor of the bill.”

I had the chance to let y’all defend yourselves, but I voted against it. If something happens, everybody get behind me.

“Pyle had an unexpected ally in liberal Rep. Lindsley Smith, who said she supported the bill because it was an issue of separation of church and state. Smith, D-Fayetteville, urged lawmakers to pass the bill because churches shouldn't be treated differently from other private entities under state law, she said.

Gov. Mike Beebe, a Democrat, said Wednesday he'd sign the bill if it made it to his desk.”

Holy shit…Democrats are supporting concealed carry? Surely this is a sign of the coming apocalypse. Either that, or Obama’s promised change has kicked in.

Does the Left complain about DINOs (Democrats in name only) as much as the Right bitches about RINOs?

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