Friday, February 20, 2009


So Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have found employment for the next few months, protesting the New York Post’s recent editorial cartoon. As near as I can tell, there was a local story about a rabid monkey that had had to be shot at a zoo. The cartoonist depicted the animal control officers standing over the hole-y corpse and saying “Looks like they’ll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill.”

Of course, the professionally offended are all up in arms about the implication that Obama is a monkey, because they don’t know:

a. The President didn’t write the bill; Congress did.
b. There is an old theory about monkeys at typewriters turning out the works of Shakespeare.
c. It’s not uncommon to refer to a colossal cock-up as having been engineered by monkeys.

I found this quote at DemocraticUnderground:

“The cartoonist should be fired! The office of the president deserves our respect.”

Coming from a group that referred to Bush as “Chimpy” for eight years, that’s fucking rich.


Quite possibly the best line on television this week:

Man hands gun to girl: “You know how to use one of these?”
Girl takes gun: “Four brothers.”
Girl cocks gun with attitude: “None of them Democrats.”



I saw where Obama wants to nationalize the banks. Since it was Congress that mandated the lending rules that started this big ol’ ball rolling in the first place, why would we do that?


A local job fair charged applicants $20 per person to attend. Talk about a recession-proof business.

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