Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I don't know much about art, but I know I'd like to kick your teeth down your throat.

“As we create the future of public art, we should also look to its past. The time is ripe to reconsider the most prominent piece of public art in Raleigh: the Confederate monument that guards the State Capitol.

Since it was erected in 1895, the 75-foot-high statue has been the city's signature symbol. Like the best works of public art, it long reflected the values and attitudes of the community -- of most white citizens, that is, who ruled the city through laws that disenfranchised African-Americans.

In 2009, this monument honoring the Lost Cause no longer reflects the feelings of North Carolinians. If we held a statewide referendum, I believe a majority of residents would vote to remove it from its singular place of privilege.”

Here we go again; some fucking Yankee wants to tell us “poor Southerners” how we’re doing wrong. This is happening more and more in my state. These carpetbaggers come down here and immediately start trying to reshape the communities into carbon copies of the ones they left above the Mason-Dixon line.

So this fucker’s complaint is about the War Memorial in Raleigh. It’s a monument to those that lost their lives fighting in the Civil War. And because this asshole thinks the war was all about slavery, he thinks it should be torn down. I don’t see these meddling fucks campaigning to turn the battlefields into wind farms or free-range chicken ranches, so why the hell is a collective tombstone fair game?

“It’s a monument to hate,” they always say. Fuck you. Those boys gave their lives fighting for a cause they believed in. It’s the same as with all the other War Memorials in this country. You pansy Liberals are always bitching about Viet Nam, but no one’s been stupid enough (yet) to suggest the Wall be backfilled in. Hey…how about we take a few depth charges back to Pearl Harbor and re-sink the Arizona? After all, we proved we were war-mongers when we nuked the Japanese twice. While we’re at it, someone’s gonna have to get a lot of chisels together and take down Mount Rushmore and Stone Mountain (in Georgia), since the artist was a lifetime KKK member.

Oh…and we’re also going to have to remove a particular memorial in Washington, D.C., because it gives tribute to a man who said: “I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races - I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office.”

Don’t recognize that quote? Here’s another. He also said: “Fourscore and seven years ago…”

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