Barack Obama Hates White PeopleI’m not going to echo the Right’s “outrage” over the lag time in FEMA’s response to those in Kentucky who recently lost power due to the ice storm. I think we all know that it doesn’t matter who the president is, FEMA is just another bloated government agency that takes a little while to build up any sort of inertia. Especially when they’re hampered by, you know…ice.
No, I’m referring to the fact that Obama secretly arranged for FEMA to distribute salmonella-tainted peanut butter in the emergency rations. ( )
This is understandable, actually. Kentucky voted mostly for McCain, so Obama’s not losing a lot of followers, and he’ll be wiping out a coal state, which should make his environmentalist supporters happy.
It’s every bit as realistic as the “dam-blowing” scenario spun by the tinfoil brigade regarding Katrina. The president is a powerful man, true, but not in the way most people seem to think.
The New York Times apparently bugged the Oval Office, and took great delight in reporting every conversation, strategy, and confidential plan Bush had for eight years, and Obama has the watchdogs at PolitiFact eyeballing him. ( The notion that a president could do anything in secret is laughable, which is why the more successful TV shows and movies always portray a shadow government organization or rogue agent intent on causing chaos, rather than the guy who lives in a fishbowl.
A/S/L?So MySpace deleted the accounts of 90,000 registered sex offenders this week (in totally unrelated news, Facebook reported almost 100,000 new users). North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper demanded the site should do more. "Technology moves forward quickly, and it's important for these companies to stay ahead of the technology," he said. "And they're not moving fast enough for us."
How much you want to bet that the AG’s office still has Windows2000 loaded on their Acer computers?
What do you want them to do, Roy? Their technology enables people to converse online and decorate a home page, not provide real-time GPS tracking. Can you guarantee
you know every e-mail address these criminals are using? Know each site they visit? Do you even know where they all are right now?
Personally, I’m not worried about the registered offenders that are stupid enough to use their real names on a social networking site; Darwin will take care of them in time.
This is a round-trip ticket, right?
IBM ups the ante for big corporations that are considering outsourcing. Not only are they outsourcing the jobs, they are offering the employees who used to do those jobs the opportunities to outsource themselves to the country that’s getting those jobs and keep doing the same job, but “under local terms and conditions.” They are graciously offering to help with relocation costs, travel arrangements, and visas. (
“So…Frank. We’re relocating your department to our call center in India. You can keep your job if you’re willing to move to Bhopal and work for a few rupees a day.”
Man…accountability sucksGoldman Sachs CFO David Viniar announced today that the financial institution is looking for ways to repay the $10 billion the government gave the group. In totally unrelated news, Obama proposed capping the salaries of officers of any institution that accepted bailout money at $500,000/year. Carly Fiorina opines that Obama has no business capping salaries. In totally unrelated news, Ms. Fiorina earned $8,000,000/year as CEO of Hewlitt-Packard, and received a $21,000,000 payoff when she was fired.
But I’m not a little person
If Obama really wants to revitalize the economy, he could start by insisting that all of his cabinet appointees pay their taxes.
Let’s make a (book) dealElizabeth Edwards is writing a book about facing adversity. The book,
Resilience, is due in stores May 12. she knows anything about adversity.