Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Amber Alert: George Bush's Balls

With Madame Speaker willfully violating the Logan Act, will the President have the cajones to charge her when she returns from Syria? Yeah, right.

You can disagree with the man's politics all you want, but there are still rules, people. Of course, silly me; Congress makes the laws just for we little people.

If the POTUS isn't willing to build a wall on the Mexican border, can we at least get one around D.C.? Y'all can play politics all day and the rest of us will go on with our lives in the Lollipop Guild.

I'm going to take this opportunity to start an Internet rumor:

[rumor]A buddy of mine was talking to his friend, and his friend told him that he read a blog from someone who works in the cafeteria of one of the offices of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. This person overheard two Border Patrol Agents talking about how Pelosi was an undercover agent, and was pursuing a drug-running coyote from Mexico that had Middle Eastern sources. [/rumor]

If past performance is any indication, George should have her jailed as soon as her plane touches down, with no pardon forthcoming.

I am so tired of the Bush family. They all talk a good game, but none of them have shown that they can multitask. I support the goals of the Iraq War, but I would've dusted off the Dresden strategy a long time ago. Any chance we can get General Pace on the ticket for '08?

And if Karl Rove is such a political genius, why hasn't he done anything to address the open treason from Congress, arranged responses to the trumped-up criticisms and non-scandals, or at the very least gone on FOX news once a week to present the Administration's side of things? What a putz.

Tony Blair is no better. I expect any day now that the Brits will offer to exchange him for the 15. This will be after the U.K. upgrades its response to Iran from "curt" to "terse."

Seems the only leader in the Anglosphere with any backbone is Australia's John Howard. I would support an Amendment to Article II, Section I, Clause 5 if we could get Howard as President, but I'm afraid we'd end up with that Austrian moron out in California, that Republican-of-Convenience, that Kennedy-programmed Terminator.

Okay, Pubbies - prove me wrong. I triple-dog dare ya.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I'm not American, and don't understand most of what you wrote there. I'm happy in my socialist wonderland to the North, thank you. (wink) PS - What was wrong with the Kennedys? (ducks...)