Sunday, December 28, 2008

Raising My Ire

The Bush Administration reduced the country’s net worth by six trillion dollars, pushed the DOW down 4,000 points, raised unemployment by 3%, increased the deficit by over $900 billion, forced banks to lend money to the insolvent, thereby collapsing the mortgage industry, pushed through a $700 billion bailout with no oversights or conditions, and demanded that auto executives accept a $1/year salary in order to get federal money.

(Of course, when I say ‘the Bush Administration,’ I mean ‘a Democratically-controlled Congress’, which the AP has conveniently forgotten is part of this administration.)

So after all of that hard work, and in light of the burgeoning economic crisis, it seems absolutely natural that they vote themselves a pay raise. Yep, each of our hard-working, fiscally responsible elected reps will receive an extra $4,700 – or a 2.8% increase. That’s an additional $2,500,000 from the taxpayers.

How about you, dear readers? Could you use an extra $4,700 a year? Call your reps and explain that to them.

All I can say is that it’s a damn good thing Congress isn’t seated in Brighton, MI, since their City Council just approved an ordinance allowing police to ticket and fine anyone who is annoying in public "by word of mouth, sign or motions."

What kills me is the admission from a city attorney that “there could be situations where the measure would violate freedom of speech.” Yeah…like every single one of them. I’m hoping that the citizens of Brighton show up at every public council meeting and demand that the councilors be ticketed as soon as they start talking.


Elle said...

Of course, when I say ‘the Bush Administration,’ I mean ‘a Democratically-controlled Congress’, which the AP has conveniently forgotten is part of this administration.

It boggles the mind.

Of course the Democrats are at fault for all the troubles of the last eight years! Duh! It is so obvious! And that stupid stupid Associated Press. What's up with them? Damn that liberal media anyway. In four years, we're goin' all the way!

Palin in 2012!
Palin in 2012!
Palin in 2012!

Sophistacat said...

a. any of a class of professional teachers in ancient Greece who gave instruction in various fields, as in general culture, rhetoric, politics, or disputation.
b. a person belonging to this class at a later period who, while professing to teach skill in reasoning, concerned himself with ingenuity and specious effectiveness rather than soundness of argument.

2. a person who reasons adroitly and speciously rather than soundly.

Quiet, Darlin'; I'm ranting here. ;)

Elle said...

Did I just get shushed? I think the Cat shushed me! I've been shushed by a cat!