Saturday, August 4, 2007

Does this s'more taste like a ficus to you?

Scouts banned from eating burgers and bangers - because of religious beliefs

    [A]t a jamboree to mark the centenary…there is no singing around the glowing embers of the camp fire - because there is no fire.

    And you can't find a singed sausage for love nor money. However, there are veggie burgers aplenty.

    And a large potted plant, around which the Scouts of 2007 can gather and write down thoughts on how to achieve world peace.

    The location is Brownsea Island in Dorset, the starting point of Scouting where Lord Baden-Powell led the first expedition.

Why did they even bother? Is there now a merit badge in “Political Correctness”?

    Some 300 modern-day Scouts (the word Boy was dropped in the 1960s) settled down to a meal prepared in a 'kitchen marquee' and consisting entirely of vegetarian food - so as not to offend any religious faiths.

    Clare Haines, a spokesman for the Scout Association, said: "It was really to do with religion that we were not able to provide sausages and burgers and all that kind of food.

No, it was to do with the fact that you decided that only one type of food was going to be served; that there would be no choices offered.

    "We have been very careful to make sure food is provided to everybody's tastes and beliefs, so no one feels left out.”

Except for those people whose tastes run to hot dogs and hamburgers. I’m pretty sure they felt left out. You weren’t careful, you were inept cowards.

    She added that campfires had been banned on the National Trust-owned island after a massive woodland blaze 30 years ago.

Oh for God’s sake. Who was in charge of this disaster? If you’re not going to let the scouts cook hot dogs over a campfire, don’t have the damn jamboree. A fucking potted plant…

All they did at this “celebration” was show how far they’ve progressed in neutering Lord Baden-Powell’s organization. It’s taken them a hundred years, but they’ve managed to turn them into Girl Scouts.


Jalestra said...

Oh jeez, Girl Scouts? I yanked my kids out in less than a few months. The times have changed for boys, but apparently not girls. They still were doing sewing and cooking!

Iconoclasp said...

It all started when they got rid of the metal jungle gym. Sure they were dangerous, but that's the point. Now everything is padded and plastic and sanitized and there is no way for kids to see the need to respect and fear the world. We have created a padded world that teaches them all about fun and self-gratification, but nothing about danger. Is it any wonder that we now have merit badges for narcissism and self-indulgence?

Iconoclasp said...

Did your blog just get spammed?

Sophistacat said...

It did, but I am the Green Hand of God here. *poof*